Saturday, July 20, 2013

Tips for shopping

The great super and hypermarkets are a great convenience for those who have to do the shopping: good assortment of products, generally affordable prices and many types of products in one place. But not always do the shopping is as simple as saving would have us believe. Here are some very practical advice to optimize spending.Slalom between the shelves:

* Volantoni Advertise with us - certainly useful to bring to the attention of the offers available, but you should do a little 'attention because they do not always present the products on offer are really special, maybe they are only present just and the price is the same as that of competition ...Not everyone knows that many of the products featured on volantoni of the big chains are published in various forms with payment, by direct billing to discount merchandise to the marketing campaign, and manufacturers are more than happy to have a product on the Super Deals of a large chain because the mere presence, even if it is not justified by an aggressive price, it can increase sales by up to 500%.

* Same goes for the display of cardboard or poster at the end or along some of the lanes. Anchand in this case are often the companies that buy advertising fomra under the presence of a particular exhibitor, so it is said that if a two-meter tall billboard advertises the toothpaste, qusti is really on offer. Often the products on sale are located in areas of low or high shelves, that is out of reach of direct gaze of consumers.

* Comfortable expensive - how many times we are attracted to products packaged in an extremely pleasant and comfortable. Pre-sliced ​​cold cuts, sliced ​​cheese, soft drinks chilled already, before getting caught by the desire to purchase them you should check the price of the same product is not pre-packaged. The warranty is to save a lot, assuming you have the time and inclination to slice the salami or cheese at home.

* Check the scanner at the checkout. Even the most sophisticated systems of the big chains can make mistakes, so keep an eye on the display to avoid double charges you check the receipt. In a year the euro are several that are saved only avoid this problem, assuming that there is no bad faith in the supermarkets to do more to marginalize. Even the mistakes of this kind frequently occur in ATMs precisely by means of the same customers that inattention are having to pay more savory receipts.Buy the best:

* Ask the butcher - in the case of meat, whenever possible, head to the butcher counter and purchased fresh cuts and cuts in front of you, ditto for the fish. The guarantee is to have a product certainly not packed in protective saturated atmospheres.

* Check vegetables and fruits - you do not have to buy fruits when they turn out to be wilted or when the petiole, or the cord that binds to the mother plant some vegetables, and dry.

* Cooked takeaway - gastronomy in the pews are becoming more frequent pre-cooked, often moltoi inviting and certainly prepared. Before you buy, however, is well informed on the day of cooking. A product cooked the day itself is a guarantee of freshness and lack of preservatives.Conservation housewife:

* In the fridge - to avoid eating spoiled food, or maybe when buttarne still good, it may be helpful to write the date of purchase with a marker pen, directly on the package. Even some drinks, after a few days of opening should be thrown away.

* In the freezer - do not stack one on top of the fresh food fonchè are not individually frozen. This will prevent stick together and it will be much easier later use. Also you should always thaw foods by placing them in the refrigerator a few hours before cooking or, if you hurry, in an envelope immersed in cold water or in the microwave. Once thawed bake immediately.

Finally, we suggest using a practical application for smartphones that allows you to dictate your shopping list to your smartphone and calculate in real time how much you're spending dictating prices to your device each time you put an item in the cart. He recognizes your voice and writes for you. The application find it free on Google Play Store:

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